September 11th

What was your first thought on that morning 7 years ago? Many of thoe who heard didn't know what to think. Some worried about their family members who were possibly on that plane. Other's immediately sought revenge. But for all of us, it meant that our perfect little nation that payed for our health care and allowed the abortion of children, would never be the same. The days after 9/11, many inspiring speeches were made by congressmen and governors and politicians in general. Almost ALL put aside their differences and united together under one banner to retaliate against the new threat. At that time, Americana's finally stopped bickering and sucked it all up and retaliated. 7 years have now passed and we are on the same day that 2974 Americans lost their lives to a sick and twisted enemy. And look at what we're doing. We're arguing once again about matters... that in comparison to 911, are jovial. What happened to the camaraderie we saw? What happened to the zeal and passion? Where'd the fire that could be seen in the eyes of all Americans go? It's still there. Underneath the constant crying and whining and selling of jets on Ebay, lies an American. An American that wants the best for their country. An American who will seek revenge on those who sought to hurt their fellowmen. They're still there. Do not forget.

the Cookies

Hey ya'll. this is our newest and greatest video from Basile Arts. If you got problems with us slamming Obama, dont watch.

Cascade Falcon 13.

Wow. Hey everyone I'm back. Sorry it's been a while since I last posted but I've been EXTREMELY busy all summer long and have neglected my cyber life for like a month now. Which is ok because I haven't had to deal with your comments. Heheh yea...... not really. So anyways I just got back from Basic Encampment like a week ago. It was one of the best experiences I've ever had. It definitely gave me a lot of oportunities to expand my leadership abilities and time to grow and mature. I recieved honor cadet award for my flight and Cat actually won overall encampment honor cadet. I'm a bit jealous, but she definitely deserves it. She won that, but I recieved something that she didn't. Mainly my sergeant stripes and a reccomendation for staff at Operation Snowflake 6. OO-RAH! But in spite of all the awards and reccomendations that were recieved at CF, one thing that I acquired that I am more proud of than any other award was leadership. You can't go to CF without growing in your leadership abilities. I think that I definitely benefited from it and apparently so did my staff. Anyways... here's a few photo's of encampment that I think you might like. I'll comment on them as necessary.

This is my flight "Foxtrot*. I''m not in this photo. On the right is our beloved Flight Sergeant C/MSgt Evan Prior. He's by far one of the most outstanding NCO's I've ever met. In fact, he won honor NCO award.

Here's Cat's flight "Charlie" horribly messed up. Scratch that... ridiculously messed up. You can se cadets raisingtheir hands for permission to fix it.

Our first class on ES.

Here's DFAC. I think that's Cat on the left with the Brown Camel Back. I don't know all the females look the same from the back.

Here's the C17 we got to fly in.
Here's Mt Rainier from the C17.
I'll post more later. See ya.


OO-RAH! Finally I get some time to update my blog. Gosh it's been what like, 3 weeks since I last psoted anything? Anyways I've been so busy with Ranger camps and going in between it's not even funny. Oh! I'm going to try and get photo's of the camps posted sometime this week. Anyways the first camp I went to was TRACE. Basically, it's bootcamp for FCF (Frontiersman Camping Fellowship) candidates. Basically it's the elite of the elite Rangers. Anyways they taught us all sorts of mountain men and colonial tricks ranging from traps, to tanning. The first night I was there, they had an Indian Raid and stole all of the candidates food. I somehow was overlooked in the Raid and I was able to hide my food. All that the candidates were allowed to eat during trace, was hard tack, beef jerky, and tea. Since I kept all my food from the Indians everyone in my company was being chummy with me trying to mooch my candy bar and chili can. LOL. lets see, the second day, they took us out on a shooting range and taught us how to load, maintain and fire a black powder musket. I shot a 54 cal. Thompson Center muzzle loader. I scored fairly well, enough to win a prize or two. OH my gosh. There was this one kid there who weighed about 50 pounds while wet. They loaded his musket with around 100 grains of FF powder (THATS A LOTTT OF POWDER) anyways, when he fired it, he wound up right on his butt. Everyone was laughing and crying and this kid had just a stupefied look on his face from shell shock or something. The last day, we did a competition of all the new candidates to see who learned their skills the best. I won second place out of about 35 candidates. OO-RAH! that made me feel good.

Now this past week wasn't nearly as good as TRACE. Ranger Camp can be a good thing, and it can be an ok thing. So we have this competition for all the teenagers called the Iron Man. It's a 2 mile up hill run with an obstacle course in the middle of it. I was so pumped up about competing in it and then the impossible happened, I was in a dunk tank letting some kids get me wet when i took a bad fall, I landed on the side of my foot and totally busted my knee and shin to a pulp. My shin was a bloody mess and I was still gonna run the iron man. Buttt unfortunately it was cancelled becasue of the winds which i'll talk about in a moment. So the next day, the winds had died down and my leg was doing better enough for me to hobble through, then the final straw to break the camels back landed. I was on an obstacle course going over a log over a stream, then my foot slipped and I would up jamming my knee between the log and a tree. I fell forward at full speed and busted my knee AGAIN. oh well, at least I scored 2nd best out of about 120 other guys. So i didn't compete in the iron man which im still bummed about. Ok now for the crazy winds. we had a constant wind of abot 50 MPH and the occasional gushes that would be anywhere from 75 to 110 MPH. incase you don't know already, that's pretty bad. A tree about 3 feet in diameter fell on a tent and nearly killed a kid. It was pretty bad. SO the camp staff confined everyone to the open fields and camps till the wind died down. We were all sitting in camp trying to entertain ourselves when my little light bulb flicked on. I was like... HEY! we dont have to sit here, lets go make kites! So we took those huge factory sized garbage bags and soared the good ol' skull and crossbones on our kites. after about 30 minutes of plastic flying, I had another light bulb turn o. "HEY! lets use the tarp!". I think you can pretty much guess the rest of what happened. WE had a 10x8 tarp that we sent sailing to the highest of heights. AHHH good times good times. All this would be a bit funnier if i had photo's so im going to try and get some posted eventually. Alrighty until next time, later and hoo-ah!

An Extended Leave Of Absence

Hey ya'll... just so you all know, I will be gone Thursday, Friday, and most of Satuday of this week. Then I Will be gone also on Monday through Saturday of next week. So You'll all have to hold on for a tad bit and find somehting else to entertain you while i'm gone. I would love to post another video as soon as I get one. But.... I don't got one. "sigh". Until a later time and Date,

Fun At The Picnic. And a Wet Happy Ending

Wow.Ok so go over to Cat's blog to get her story of the picnic. Basically if you all didn't know, I'm a part of a Homes school orchestra known as HSS (home School Strings). For our annual end of the year picnic we all went down to camp lutherhaven and do picnicy things. So we showed up and walked around like we were actually doing something for a while till a minor Ultimate Frisbee game got started. The other team totally out manned ours, but amazingly, we OWNED THEM! Romped and stomped we did. After a bit of that, the Mom's said that food was ready. Our team wanted o still play, but Cat and her losers wanted to get out of the beating before someone got hurt. Oh yea did I mention that The camp director had laid out a HUGE pile of bread loaves for the ducks to eat? They weren't used as food though. I got a vid of a few of us chucking loaves of Italian, white, rye, and even Jalapeno bread at each other. Quite humorous. After we all ate we gaggled around the playground. Everyone started trying to flip over a tiny bar but BARELY anyone was able to do it. Let's see, I started it, and then Cat and Mike followed in pursuit and they BARELY got up. *SCOFFS* weaklings. And it has nothing to do with me taking gymnastic classes for almost a year. We were getting kind of bored with that then one of the guys from HSS calls to us and says that the boats were in operation. Of course there was a stampede of people running for the boat shack. So we got out onto the lake and were paddling round a bit once again bored. Then Cat decides to start a bread war with the loaves that we had found. Bread everywhere. It was quite funny. So anyways while I was out on the water, I was taking a video and our boats bumped into each other. The camera fell out of my hand and into the lake. I leaned over in the kayak to try and grab the camera. I got it.... AND I tipped in the process. OO-RAH! So I got towed back and when i got there, Mr's Reeves (the camp director) was waiting with a scowl. I got out of the water and she read me the riot at a little later. But the funny thing was, not very many people said... are you ok? It was all... "how did you manage to tip the boat?" "How can You do that" blah blah blah SHUTUP!!! well the camera is fine enough and is still drying out. When I got back home... I took a long shower and felt a lottttt better. My mom and dad were saying I was getting lethargic in the car. Guess the water really was cold :). So I didn't get in trouble either which is like.... a very happy ending. Until Then LATER AND HOO-AH!

Yea.... I really didn't hurt him. I don't know if that's good or bad, but cI didn't hurt him.

The Easily Amused are well.... easily amused.

Here's a vid of my dad, Matthew, and I on the cannoe. The two guys we apss are Peter and Joseph. The preacher's kid's of HSS

Another video of us on the lake.

The funny thing is.... why did I drop the camera and Matthew didn't. The world will never know I'm afraid.

The Bilarynator

These are some AMAZINGLY funny yet sadly true videos concerning our ex runner for the presidency.... Hilary Clinton. Watch them and you'll see what I mean.

The Joust

I'll let you rate it.

An Ode... To The Hybrid Unsung Hero Of Breakfast

Ok. So tomorrow my pops and I are going paintball. We usually don't eat out while we're there so I was rumaging around the cupboards and such today to see what I could bring along as a munchie. I found it. Cheerio's, Oatmeal, and Raisins. Unfortunately, we cant bring milk along to put on the cheerio's out to the field. Then it hit me. A revelation to great and terrible to be imagined. The hybrid cereal .

Though less photogenic than it's counterpart... the bowl of cereal, this cereal is much more evolved. Simply take take the three main ingredients throw them into the blender, and hit liquefy.

Ok so I know exactly what you're thinking. "Is he NUTS!?! Who would eat something like that?". Well to answer to your question. Me :). If Gianni can eat it... so can the world. I think I'll market my idea. Sell it to General Mills. Who Knows... maybe I can retire at age 15.

Continuation Of Photo's

Little brother Matthew in brush and crud that we cleared out of the woods.

He's asleep. Really he is

This photo may not look like much. It looks like cousin is pushing my grandma around. But if you knew my cousin, this photo is very scary.

The three amigo's. Some of the thing that these guy's did today was hilarious, but at the same time undisclosed. Leave it at that. For privacy reason I will not disclose their names or the events that occured. Sorry

It's amazing the persuasive power that the amigo's have on those younger and more impressionable ones.

Ok.... so here's a photo that is partially worthwhile. This ant was caught in the web of a spider in out pantry. You can't see the spider really well, but if you look at the top of the photo, you can kind of see him.

The ant Died.


Oh geeze it's so good to be back. I've neglected my blog for like an entire month and have been needing to update it. So here's a buttload of photo's and videos that'll pretty much sum up everything that's gone on since I last posted. The ones immediately below are at uncle Bob's.

This is one of my oldest cousins who decided that a Lamborghini wasn't good enough

My uncle was very hungry and consumed the object in hand (really)

Littlest brother riding horse all by his lonesome

My little sis was throwing just as much as me and my cousin. So THERE! Just wait a bit and it gets funny. Oh and uh a phrase comes to mind when I watched this again "Born redneck, Always Redneck".

Ok so this is about 2 weeks after our trip to uncle Bob's. We made a trip to the dungeonous lighthouse and back

Stormer, Mike, I, and the Lighthouse

Shot from the lighthouse looking out on the spit

Old Glory

Me Practicing for the SEALS. Marine Seals not navy. Yea I know I'm stupid but it's me.

We had no idea what it came from, but we photgraphed it : ).

Here's a photo of my house from a tree that I climbed.

That's pretty much it until I get the memory cards from the camera's which are currently in a car on Vashon right now. So Till then these are them.
later and Hoo-Ah

On the Road Again...

Hey ya'll. I'm gonna be gone for a little bit. Going over to uncle Bob's house for the weekend. I won't be back till like... Sunday afternoon. So you're all going to have to find some other way to entertain yourselves while I'm gone. If I don't come back... (I probably wont :-) ) Then give my stuff to the military and donate my remains to scientific research. Oh and uh... you can have my compy :). See ya'll later Hoo-Ah?

Production Paused.

Episode 2

So I got Episode 2 up and running. It's awesome. What'll my brothers think of next? Sohope you enjoy this noobtastic video. lolz it's so cheesy that it's funny. Later

Really Really REALLY lame vid

Hey y'all. my brothers and I have been spending the afternoon making a Lego video. go ahead and give it a whirl. Yes it's lame and a bit morbid, but it's a guys thing. Not complete yet so just hang with me. OK hope you enjoy it.

Lol this took forever to upload. Later and Hoo-Ah

April Fools Funny

So every1 likes playing pranks right. April fools is the day completely set aside for pranks
corect? WRONG!!! you can check her blog to get her side of the story... if you really want it :). Anyways she emailed me and got me to believe that she was going to actually quit CAP. At first I was like.... whoah no way!! Not Cool! then I started thinking maybe she's just joking. Anyways... it had totally slipped my mind that night until I woke up the next morning and remembered it was... yep you guessed it APRIL FOOLS!!! I kind of got angry but we're cool now. BECAUSE I GOT REVENGE!!!! HAHAHAH SWEET SWEET REVENGE!!! I emailed every1 from CAP and told them that she was quiting. Apparently they emailed her and actually thought she was quiting. I wonder what she said in response? hmmmmm.... Anyways. That felt good... But no hard feelings Cat? She's probably got something devious and evil planned for me and is just waiting for the opportune moment to shank me. Anyways.... always remember that when you pull a prank... watch your back and cover your tracks. Hehehe later and Hoo-Ah


ALRIGHT!!! Thank you all for your prayers. Little Matthew is completely 100% better. We were all worried that he might have caught Strep-Throat. Luckily for us it was a freak virus that manifests itself in the throat rather than the stomach or lungs. he's up and kicking now. Doing pushup's with me and running round the house chasing the cat :). Hoo-Ah

Need of Prayer

He ya'll. My little brother Matthew is not doing so well right now. He's got a really bad throat flu and It's extremely painful for him. I need you all to pray for him and really lift him up in prayer. Thanks all.


WTA TOTALLY ROCKED!!! This was my second weekend at WTA and it was like "Groovy". Sorry I had to say that. If I had to describe it in one word it would be OO-RAH. I participated in the NCOS class along with CAT. It was totally amazing. For part of the class, they took us outside and gave each of us a chance to be flight sergeant. Then they told us to drill and command the flight. I did ok. I could use some improvement though. Anyways for a confidence building exercise, they had us each give a presentation on some random topic. It was so much fun. Everyone loved mine, but I kind of turned the presentation into a stand up comedy act. That night in the barracks, every single one of the senior members along with a nice handful of the officers came up to me and were like "Outstanding presentation Cadet!!" It felt awesome for all of the senior members to actually acknowledge me like I actually existed :-). I kind of felt like Cat when she got kudos for Drilling. Oh and while I'm at it, if you could all pray for cadet MS for his salvation, I would really appreciate it. He has got some real problems and could really use some prayer. So when you sit down to pray, remember him. So I will try to get some photos of next WTA to post. Alright Hoo-AH and Carry on.

Misc Photo's

OK here's a few random photos taken of me, my brothers, and my dog.

OK This is Colonel and I. I don't have a clue how he let me do this. He's never let me cradle him like a baby before. It's actually pretty humerus. he weighs about 80lbs and he still thinks he's a lap dog.

This is Me, Matthew, and Chris. Matthew is the little one on the left, Chris is the one on the right, and that's me in the middle. I have like 60 photos of us just making faces. We get bored here so this is what we do in free time.

Timothy 2 Debate

Ok So I was just reading my Bible and came across a chapter in Timothy. This is one of the most mis-understood passages of the Bible.

Timothy Chapter 2

1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone
2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.
3This is good, and pleases God our Savior,
4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
6who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.
7And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.
8I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
9I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes,
10but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.
11A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
12I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.
13For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
14And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
15But women[a] will be saved[b] through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
We just discussed this passage at church and our pastor did an excellent job explaining the actual meaning behind this passage. If you've got about an hour and a half, here is the link for the sermon audio. Make sure that when you go to this link, Choose the Confidence To Grow Sermon. If I took the time to explain it on this blog, There would probably be a never ending super essay that would be way to long to read. So do yourself a BIG favor and listen to the sermon! Hoo-Ah?