An Ode... To The Hybrid Unsung Hero Of Breakfast

Ok. So tomorrow my pops and I are going paintball. We usually don't eat out while we're there so I was rumaging around the cupboards and such today to see what I could bring along as a munchie. I found it. Cheerio's, Oatmeal, and Raisins. Unfortunately, we cant bring milk along to put on the cheerio's out to the field. Then it hit me. A revelation to great and terrible to be imagined. The hybrid cereal .

Though less photogenic than it's counterpart... the bowl of cereal, this cereal is much more evolved. Simply take take the three main ingredients throw them into the blender, and hit liquefy.

Ok so I know exactly what you're thinking. "Is he NUTS!?! Who would eat something like that?". Well to answer to your question. Me :). If Gianni can eat it... so can the world. I think I'll market my idea. Sell it to General Mills. Who Knows... maybe I can retire at age 15.

Continuation Of Photo's

Little brother Matthew in brush and crud that we cleared out of the woods.

He's asleep. Really he is

This photo may not look like much. It looks like cousin is pushing my grandma around. But if you knew my cousin, this photo is very scary.

The three amigo's. Some of the thing that these guy's did today was hilarious, but at the same time undisclosed. Leave it at that. For privacy reason I will not disclose their names or the events that occured. Sorry

It's amazing the persuasive power that the amigo's have on those younger and more impressionable ones.

Ok.... so here's a photo that is partially worthwhile. This ant was caught in the web of a spider in out pantry. You can't see the spider really well, but if you look at the top of the photo, you can kind of see him.

The ant Died.


Oh geeze it's so good to be back. I've neglected my blog for like an entire month and have been needing to update it. So here's a buttload of photo's and videos that'll pretty much sum up everything that's gone on since I last posted. The ones immediately below are at uncle Bob's.

This is one of my oldest cousins who decided that a Lamborghini wasn't good enough

My uncle was very hungry and consumed the object in hand (really)

Littlest brother riding horse all by his lonesome

My little sis was throwing just as much as me and my cousin. So THERE! Just wait a bit and it gets funny. Oh and uh a phrase comes to mind when I watched this again "Born redneck, Always Redneck".

Ok so this is about 2 weeks after our trip to uncle Bob's. We made a trip to the dungeonous lighthouse and back

Stormer, Mike, I, and the Lighthouse

Shot from the lighthouse looking out on the spit

Old Glory

Me Practicing for the SEALS. Marine Seals not navy. Yea I know I'm stupid but it's me.

We had no idea what it came from, but we photgraphed it : ).

Here's a photo of my house from a tree that I climbed.

That's pretty much it until I get the memory cards from the camera's which are currently in a car on Vashon right now. So Till then these are them.
later and Hoo-Ah