September 11th

What was your first thought on that morning 7 years ago? Many of thoe who heard didn't know what to think. Some worried about their family members who were possibly on that plane. Other's immediately sought revenge. But for all of us, it meant that our perfect little nation that payed for our health care and allowed the abortion of children, would never be the same. The days after 9/11, many inspiring speeches were made by congressmen and governors and politicians in general. Almost ALL put aside their differences and united together under one banner to retaliate against the new threat. At that time, Americana's finally stopped bickering and sucked it all up and retaliated. 7 years have now passed and we are on the same day that 2974 Americans lost their lives to a sick and twisted enemy. And look at what we're doing. We're arguing once again about matters... that in comparison to 911, are jovial. What happened to the camaraderie we saw? What happened to the zeal and passion? Where'd the fire that could be seen in the eyes of all Americans go? It's still there. Underneath the constant crying and whining and selling of jets on Ebay, lies an American. An American that wants the best for their country. An American who will seek revenge on those who sought to hurt their fellowmen. They're still there. Do not forget.


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